本次申请由SPS International Inc 公司提出。该转基因土豆在加工过程中褐变较轻,在高温烹调产生的丙烯酰胺较少。
A genetically modified (GM) potato line with OECD Unique Identifier SPS-E12-8 (herein referred to as E12) has been developed by SPS International Inc. The potato has been modified such that the raw tubers show less browning when they are bruised, cut or damaged (referred to as blackspot bruising) and the tubers have reduced potential to produce acrylamide when cooked at high temperatures.
This potato has been genetically modified using an RNA interference (RNAi) approach. Gene fragments from four genes were introduced into E12 and the expression of these fragments supresses the expression of four endogenous potato genes. The introduced DNA fragments are derived from potato (Solanum tuberosum) and a related species (Solanum verrucosum)。No other genetic modification has been introduced and no new proteins are produced in line E12.